Many people choose to have dreadlocks as it makes them cool, others keep them due to their spiritual beliefs and yet others may keep them for their political views. Growing this style requires a lot of patience as it usually takes time for dreads to eventually mature. The below steps will help show you ways in which you can create dreadlocks hair successfully.

Remember curly or very kinky one provides a good ambiance for the dreads. Thus if yours lacks volume, is the straight kind or wavy type, the first requirement is that you get yourself a home perm with very thin rods. With the perm the texture that is much needed will have been created.

Before starting the process, remember to take a break of about a week to ten days from using conditioner. On the day you decide to make the dreads, rinse it with a solution mixture of a tablespoon of vinegar with one quart water. The solution is useful in eliminating any residue or buildup which may hamper the process.

Commencing with dry one, take about one inch square of it at the roots and firmly twist it. Using clips or rubber band try to hold back the rest for you to effectively work on one piece at a time. Comb back the part you have twisted by starting at the root and going to the ends and then back again to the scalp.

After combing, apply a styling wax for dreads to each segment and then twist it again. The wax helps to shape your dreads and keep the lock twisted. At the end of each dread, put a rubber band while leaving some thrust out as this helps to maintain the twist and will end up giving a rounded end to your dreads.

Work at finishing up the twisting process over your whole head. If you are limited for time or have a busy schedule, consider twisting a few segments a day. For best looking dreads especially at the back of your head, it is advisable that you get assistance from your friends and have them do it for you.

To create the dreadlocks hair, you need to cultivate time as a lot is required if you want to have good looking, well done dreads. Maintain their shape by regularly twisting, combing and waxing. Remember to use the recommended products for the dreads and when twisting ensure it is done the same way when re-twisting so as to avoid untwisting the locks.

Adam Burhan has written several articles about hairstyles and hair fashion. Dreadlocks hair is the new top trend today. Click here to check out photos gallery of the best dreadlock hairstyles. Go to http://coolmenshair.com/2009/02/how-to-make-grow-dreadlocks.html for more info.